Fungal Infections

Fungal Infections Q&A

What are fungal infections?

There are about 300 types of fungi that can lead to skin infections in people. Fungi live in plants and soil and can enter your body through a cut or lesion on your skin.

Because fungi thrive in warm, moist areas, many people develop fungal infections in areas of the body such as the folds of skin, the groin, and feet.

What are common types of fungal infections?

Some of the most common types of fungal infections the team at A to Z Dermatology diagnose and treat include:


Ringworm is a type of fungal infection that causes a ring-shaped, itchy rash. This type of infection can spread to other areas of your body and is very contagious.

Athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that affects the skin of the feet, especially in the areas between the toes. An active infection can cause itching or burning sensations, redness, and scaly or flaky skin. Some people might also experience blistering or cracking in their skin.

Tinea versicolor

Tinea versicolor is a fungal infection that causes small, oval patches of discolored skin. The patches are most common on the chest, back, and upper arms. These areas may look darker or lighter than the rest of your skin and can become itchy, scaly, and flaky.


Onychomycosis is a fungal infection that affects your fingernails and toenails. The infection can cause discoloration in your nails, turning them yellow or brown. Nails also become brittle and thick, breaking easily.

How are fungal infections treated?

The team at A to Z Dermatology will diagnose the type of infection you have during a physical exam and a skin culture. They may initially start treating your fungal infection with topical antifungal medications that are available over the counter or by prescription.

You should practice good hygiene to keep the area clean and dry at all times to prevent the spread of existing infections and new infections. Prevention also requires that you wear breathable clothing and not share personal items with other people, especially those with a fungal infection.

If you use a public restroom or shower, be sure to wear shoes to prevent athlete’s foot. If you sweat frequently, change into dry socks, clothing, and shoes to reduce your risk for recurrent fungal infections.

To schedule a diagnostic evaluation for possible fungal infections, call the A to Z Dermatology office nearest you or book a consultation online today.

Mesa Office


4540 E Baseline Road, Suite 109,
Mesa, AZ 85206